Since Scoliosis is a 3D curve of the spine we want to begin by lengthening the spine and making space between the vertebra.
STEP 1: Stand an arm’s length away from the counter.
STEP 2: Firmly press the palms of your hands into the counter.
STEP 3: Hinge from your hips, bend your knees, and lean down & back.
STEP 4: Do not round your back instead try to imagine balancing a book in the middle of your back..
STEP 5: Reach your sit bones away from your head.
STEP 6: Keep your head in line with your body. Hold 10-15 seconds.
STEP 7: Gently stand up and repeat.
Your core includes more than just your abs. Strengthening in a plank type of position engages more than just the abs.
This exercise can me made easier or advanced. Give it a try and let us know how its goes.
Your core includes muscles in he back of your body including your gluts, and hamstrings.
Bridging is a great way to strengthen these exercises.
STEP 1: Relax your head neck and shoulders.
STEP 2: Slowly lift our hips to come up to a bridge position. You want your body to be in one straight line like a ramp.
STEP 3: Maintain equal pressure between your right and left leg and keep your hips level, don’t allow one side to sag lower than the other side.
STEP 4: Slowly come down with your hips
STEP 5: Repeat
STEP 6: Keep head, neck, and shoulders relaxed